In general, that’s all you need to know about making the image transparent. E-com Image Editing, Image Masking A logo with an opaque background might not blend well with the website’s background compared to one with a transparent background. Then, in the Layers panel, make sure you are working on a transparent layer, not on the background. Love Hearts Banner. He is best known for working closely with B2C and B2B clients in the field of image editing and photography for digital marketing contents that triggers search engine traffic and visibility. If you need to use an image for graphic design work or for a website, having a transparent file is a must. This will help it look crisp on all devices. 254 256 44. File Saving Before you make the photo transparent in Photoshop, you need to know that since CC 2015, the “Save for Web & Devices” option in the “File” menu is marked as Legacy ( outdated ). But you can change these settings before making Photoshop transparent if you want. Transparency is only supported in PNG format. But if the background is multi-colored or has other images behind, it is better to use the third method. Becky has worked with a variety of educational publishers in the U.S. and U.K. and has taught design at six universities. 2. In digital photography, transparency is the functionality that supports transparent areas in an image or image layer. For PNGs, an online search for Photoshop PNG transparent background yields a whole bunch of tutorials – cybernetic.nomad Dec 12 '18 at 12:50 Reminder: I want to pay your attention that First and Second method can be used if the background of the image is monotonous, for example, only white or only red, etc. Do not check Smaller File (8-bit) — this converts the file to a PNG-8. Sometimes we just need to remove the background of a JPG image and make it transparent. Three different ways can be applied to remove the white background those I’ll explain back-to-back as follows. It doesn’t support the alpha channel so you can’t get the same transparent background you could if you were to use or you can use Paint 3D. In the DCS Format dialog box, select the options you want, and click OK. There are many reasons that you may need to make white transparent in Photoshop CC. Once you've selected the entire background, type BACKSPACE (DELETE on a Mac). Writing has always been something for him which denotes scrutinizing data in an innovative way. How to Make a Logo Transparent in Photoshop, OCP is gladly offering you a FREE trial to test their service quality on image background transparent, Photoshop Toolbar and Tools for Beginners – Updated Features in 2021, Amazon Product Image Requirements – Every Seller Needs to Know in 2021, Photo Retouching Techniques for Beginning Photographers, Top 6 Photo Retouching Techniques in 2021. You can change the opacity of layers, filters, and effects so that more (or less) of the underlying image shows through. Your background will now be transparent. 1228 1233 112. For example, a transparent background gives you the ability to place your product against a background that dynamically changes colors. Name the image file and make sure its extension is set to .png. The first step starts by opening the image into Photoshop in JPG format. If the selection isn't perfect, you can use the Magic Wand tool to remove more of the background from the selection, or add more of the product to the selection, depending on how the selection. Looking to learn more? When you create a new file with a transparent background, it will show up as grey and white checkers. This format allows for multiple layers of transparency, meaning your image will never have a pixelated "halo" when placed on a different color background. Browse the rest of our Photoshop tutorials. How to Make an Image Transparent Background in Photoshop. Before you follow the last step to save your work as a transparent image, you should erase any marks that may have been missed when you cut your image. Reminder: Adobe still offers the option “Save for Web & Devices” in Photoshop CC 2015 and it is available via File > Export menu or by using Command+Option+Shift+S (for Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S (for PC). And replaced by a new option “Export” (Export), which offers identical functionality with faster saving in a file of smaller size and better quality. Multiple Clipping Path On responsively designed sites, a featured product with a transparent background can interact differently with its background depending on the user's screen size. Smaller dimensions mean a smaller file size. Opacity is the extent to which something blocks light. Select the Magic Wand tool from the Toolbar on the left-hand side of the application window. Once you've set your Image Size to proper dimensions, click Export All. I took this one-. Correct answer by bzareenk | Enthusiast You can do it by removing the background completely and use the shortcut (shift+ctrl+alt+s) which will take to you save for web window.Select png-24 for a high quality image from the dropdown and it should serve your purpose. Begin by opening your multi-layer Photoshop file with the transparent background. Raster to Vector, About UsContact UsTestimonialsGalleryBlog, Home When you look at the layer palette, you will see that the layer is locked (lock icon on the layer). Create a new document with your preferred dimensions. 4. Once you are finished creating and are ready to save your transparent image, from the FILE menu, depending on your version of Photoshop you may have one of two options: . Learn how to use layers in Photoshop with this tutorial Using the web-ready format to save the file is very easy. In this and similar cases, it is useful to be able to make the background transparent. The steps in this article were performed in Adobe Photoshop CS5. JPEG images do not support transparent background, so it is best to save the image as a PNG. Click near the car and just move the cursor around it. Use the image in the layered file Now use the layer panel resting by default in the right of the image window. It is located at the bottom: Click on the “Quick mask”, choose the tool “Brush” and just sketch the car carefully without affecting the background: When you draw the car, you have to press the “Quick Mask” button. We'll walk you through this simple process in the tutorial below. Create a layered file of the image. Please, it would mean the world to me. Let’s open the logo first. If you need to select multiple areas, hold down the SHIFT key and click with the Magic Wand tool to add to the selection. In the Photoshop graphical editor, open the image. Now that you have made your background transparent, you should save your image in PNG format, following these simple steps: • Press “Control + D” for PCs or “Command + D” for Mac to deselect your logo • Click “File” on your menu and then select “Save As.” • Select “PNG” as the file format. To unlock a layer, just click on the lock. You can now place your transparent product image against different backgrounds on your site and have it display perfectly. After all, with a magic wand, we can select all the elements in a couple of clicks. Because it seems to keep a white background anyway after saving it. If you are editing an existing AI file, the transparent background should be visible where the artboard previously was. When you save your photoshop file, you’ll be able to choose from a few different file types. If anyone knows how to use Photoshop software, then everything will be helpful for them. Then we need to save the picture in the right format. Now save the image as a .PNG file to preserve its transparency. If you are not using Photoshop CC version but you are using any of the older versions of the Photoshop and the ‘export as’ option is not present, you can select save for web and then choose PNG 24 from the dropdown menu placed at the right hand side of the dialog box, set the format to PNG and check the transparency box if it is ticked. Once you have set the parameters, click “OK” to open a new document. Save your image in the proper web-ready format. Now, we can see the background of the image through the glass. This is a better way to use for photos, or for elements with a multicolored background and content that the “Magic Wand” does not recognize correctly. For this purpose, we search in a palette of layers a field with the corresponding name. Transparent background is easy to create with the Photoshop. You can also enter an exact number in this field. Now, if we place the car onto the road, we can see that the car background is transparent. Images in Photoshop? Follow Steps 4 & 5 from where we made a product image transparent above to export your file as a PNG-24. You now have the knowledge to create web-ready images with transparent backgrounds that will display beautifully without slowing down your site. 322 411 35. So, we have focused on the Magic Wand. Using Photoshop to create a transparent background, and then saving the file in the appropriate web-ready format, is remarkably easy once you know what you're doing. Plus, the PNG Image will provide better compression. * Select white background with any selection tool provided by Photoshop. In this example, Photoshop didn't completely remove the watch's shadow from the selection, so we'll choose the Subtract from selection icon in the Options bar, and then click on portions of the shadow with the Magic Wand tool until the selection only contains the watch. As you can see, there is a white background around the car which has spoilt the whole view: So, we need to remove this white background with keeping the image size same and make it a transparent one. However, you don't want to make your image's dimensions smaller than you want them to appear on your website; doing so will create blurry or pixelated images. Replace your backdrop with something that pops. Also, select Transparent from the Background Contents drop-down list. Like we did in Step 1 when we made a product image background transparent above, you'll need to double-click the Background layer in the Layers panel and click OK to convert the Background to Layer 0. That said, if by "saving an image wihtout the background" you mean having a transparent background, that is impossible with JPEGs as that file fomrat does not support transparency. Click “File” on the top menu and select “Save As. Here’s how to do it in Adobe Photoshop CC 2017… quick and easy. Most likely, it'll be in a JPG format. Next, select the file of the logo and place it on. 3. After selection, go to the top menu to “Selection” => “Inversion” or just press Ctrl+Shift+I (Cmd+Shift+I). How to Make an Image Semi-transparent in Photoshop. Galaxy Star Infinity. Furthermore, we can apply the knowledge in some other processes to make the image a real one. But the first one- “Magic Wand” is the preferred way to go forward. How can you make white transparent in photoshop? Two More Quick Tips for When you Make a Logo Transparent in Photoshop. Click on the “Save” button. Keep your dimensions at the same size as the original file you have been working with, and click Save. Open your product image in Photoshop. In the Layers panel, double-click on the Background layer. All we have to do is to save our logo by following the instructions below: Now we can use the logo on any background. Follow these steps: * Open Gif in Photoshop. Frame Photo Frame. A New Layer dialog box asking you to rename the layer will appear. Transparent Black and white. Type a name for the image into the File Name field, then click the Format drop-down menu and choose the PNG option. 744 Free images of Photoshop Background. Let’s start this tutorial off with one of the most popular programs used by photographers: Photoshop. These steps are the same no matter what file format you started with, whether your original file was a JPG, AI, PDF, or other file format. Steps to Create Transparent Background in Photoshop for the Product Image 1. This indicates that there is no background behind the layer, and therefore we now have an image that is semi-transparent. Reminder: “Magnetic lasso” will also select fragments, but we will spend a lot of time drawing a contour. Semi-transparent images are used on websites as a background or miniatures for posts, collages, and other works. In Photoshop, a transparent background is represented with a gray and white checkerboard pattern. For example, we will set 80%. Photo Retouching Free online tool to Make transparent background images, which instantly removes any background color of image easily. How to create a transparent background for a product image in Photoshop. Save the image and return to InDesign to see the changes happen automatically. Save in Photoshop DCS format DCS (Desktop Color Separations) format is a version of EPS that lets you save color separations of CMYK or multichannel files. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll be making a text-based watermark so start by launching Photoshop. On the right-hand side of your dialog box, under Image Size, you have the option to adjust the dimensions of your image. If you're opening a vector format file, however, you'll need to make sure your settings are correct in the dialog box that appears: If you're working with a vector file, you can skip this step. Clear the backgrounds for your product photos and logo so you can use images across the web. 5. 3. How to Make an Image Transparent in Photoshop. First, you’ll need to find the image you wish to edit. Bio: With over 18 years experience as a graphic designer, Becky is passionate about helping people enhance their content by mastering image manipulation software. This means that we will not be able to edit it. Click the eye icon next to the background layer to hide it. In other words, if you know your product will show at 400px wide at its maximum, you'll want to make it at least 600px wide here. How to Change the Background Color of a Picture in Photoshop. In the Save dialog box, choose the folder where you keep your web-ready product images. The key is to make sure that your layers don’t merge when you’re saving your Photoshop file. I.e. Additionally, why make white transparent in photoshop? 1. Polygonal Selection tool * After selecting all background create a mask. This is important to keep an eye on because larger file sizes will make your web page load more slowly. Now we have selected all areas: After we have selected all the white areas, just click “Del”. 2. And press the Delete key on the keyboard to get the background transparent. My personal preference is to keep web images at around 200 KB or smaller. How Should I Choose the Color for My Product Background? Save the file. We appreciate the use of any of the three ways to achieve the desired effect. That’s it! This is because logos tend to have only one or two colors, unlike the thousands of colors that exist in a product image. Once process completed, preview will be displayed in canvas and download button will be enabled. For the demo, we need some images. Step 1: Open Photoshop. 4. Open your Layers panel. Note: If you're using an older version of Photoshop, and you don't see the Export As... option, you can choose Save for Web and select PNG-24 from the Preset dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the dialog box. Choose the Magic Wand tool from the Toolbar and click on the white background of your logo file. Step 2: Create a new document. Select the tool in the left panel. Sitemap. Get Quote Then, in the window that appears, select PNG from the Format drop-down menu and make sure that Transparency and Convert to sRGB are selected. Now right-click on the glass and select “Layer via Cut”. Keep the transparent background or choose a solid color. Once you have just your product selected, select the inverse by typing SHIFT+CTRL+I (SHIFT+COMMAND+I on a Mac), or by choosing Select > Inverse from the dropdown menu at the top of the application window. Be sure to pick PNG if you want to keep your piece’s transparency. Photoshop will attempt to select the object from your photograph, regardless of the background. Now our glass is on a different layer and in the layer properties, we can choose transparency. Since the image is linked, any change that you do in Photoshop will reflect automatically in InDesign. Also set color strength to detect and remove neighbour colors. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Wherever you see these grey and white checkers means that will be transparent when saved in the right file type (PNG). So, yes, there is a little bit of balance you'll need to work with to maximize your image size while minimizing your file size. How to Use the Healing Brush Tool in Photoshop? To save your file as a PNG-24 in Photoshop CC, type SHIFT+ALT+CTRL+W (SHIFT+OPTION+COMMAND+W on a Mac) or choose File > Export > Export As… from the dropdown menu at the top of the application window. Since the windows in the car have the properties of translucent background, let’s apply the effect of semi-transparency only on the front window of the car. To do this, we re-open our file with the car and with the help of any one of the 3 methods mentioned above, select the front window. I recommend it if you need to select a complex and colorful area for better accuracy. 1. Creating a transparent background for your product image in Photoshop opens up a wide range of eye-catching display options for your featured products. It's a good idea to keep your optimized image files separate from your original image files to avoid confusion when loading your images onto your site. To do this, press “File” then “Open” from the top left menu. With your inverse (background) selected, type BACKSPACE (DELETE on a Mac). Here I adjusted the opacity to 84%, for example. 419 403 68. We will get the following effect: As we can see, there are still white areas inside the logo and text. powered by Disqus. To minimize load time, you can choose only to have your featured product images saved larger for retina displays, and allow the bulk of your product images to be saved at actual size. Clipping Path vs. Masking: What’s the Difference? Learn how to use layers in Photoshop with this tutorial, Find out how to reformat, resize, and optimize your images for the web, Get digital asset management tips to organize your photos and maintain your sanity, Learn how you can outsource your raster to vector conversion needs. My goal is to have my logo printed on a t-shirt, but it's still gonna show the white transparent background. In such cases, it would be convenient to load a PNG image, as it can provide the desired conversion. Transparency (called “Opacity” in Photoshop) is changing very simply. By lowering the opacity, you are able to see small white and grey squares behind the image. How to Make a Part of an Image Semi-transparent: How to Use The Liquify Tool in Photoshop? Sometimes you need to upload an image that requires being transparent to look at the original background. Get Free Trial Photoshop Space. Download your image. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the transparent background and only save the logo. 1. Color Correction Nayan Chowdhury is a Freelance Writer who deals with Copy-writing and Blogging services. After we had selected the location and named the file, click “Save”. Learn the foundations of Photoshop in this tutorial. Most likely, it'll be in a JPG format. In Photoshop, go to File > Open and navigate until you see your logo file. How to Make a Transparent Watermark in Photoshop. Changes happen automatically, so it is best to save the Picture in Photoshop with this you! 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