I’ve purchased a 2.5 gallon aquarium and plan to get one betta fish to put in there. And yes, you don’t want bottled ammonia, you want the healthy bacteria supplement if you are not going to do a fishless cycle to establish the proper nitrogen cycle. Can I pull and clean fixtures of the algae without changing the water or would that be harmful? Here is my complete Betta care guide for beginner fish keepers! I did use dawn dish soap to clean his tank before using it ?? I just added a heater and filter to it. I finally put in a beautiful baby boy betta. Once the filter and heater was added for one day fish seemed fine. Is it because of the mold? Oftentimes well water is left untouched. very very quickly like you are describing and need cleanings and water changes much faster. thank you, debbie. My tank is 3 gallon and I have been using a filter. If so, sun can cause spikes in green algae. A couple nights ago, We moved him to a bigger tank. Can you tell me why I’ll need to do a 100% water change every week? To be sure, you would monitor the water parameters with water test strips to find out levels of ammonia, etc. I have a Betta in a 2.5 gallon tank. Any advice here please? A great way to create this type of natural environment and lower your tank’s pH is to add natural driftwood and Indian almond leaves to your Betta’s dechlorinated tank water. They’re beautiful, with their flowing fins and brilliant colors. This makes it safe for your betta fish to live in. I use to feed 3 times a day. All comments are moderated and will not be visible until they are approved. I want to know what I did wrong. Always limit drastic changes in temperature and pH. I can use RO and remineralise. Come join the discussion about breeds, health, behavior, tanks, care, classifieds, and more! Gallons of spring water can be purchased for a dollar or two at your local supermarket, and if the pH level is fine, it already contains the nutrients your fish will need to stay healthy. Conditioned tap water is what I prefer to use for my bettas, but my tap water is also ideal in pH and minerals, whereas some people have very hard water. The betta act as if he don’t see them. How much? Is it the heater? My tap water is very hard and very alkaline even with betta conditioning drops. LOTS OF INFO Say whaaaat? This beautiful creature lives in slow-moving waters like small streams, swamps, or sometimes even in paddy fields. Do I need another fish with him? Unfiltered tanks need closer monitoring as nitrogen cycles are harder to regulate. BEST SEEK ADVISE FROM VET BEFORE ANY HOME REMEDIES. Conduct frequent water changes.A filter would be best, but if you don’t have one, you must be diligent about water changes. What about using both the ammonia and the bacterial supplement? So, I do not recommend using this type of water for betta fish since it requires the professional and difficult treatment. Will this KH & GH abnormalities harm my betta “Blue”. If your tap water is safe to drink, you can use that with conditioning drops to remove chlorine and other harmful metals, making it safe for your betta. Also, keep in mind that the aggressive nature of Betta fish means they … thanks!!!! Perform 20-35% partial water changes in their tank at evenly spaced intervals. How often do I need to do a full water cahnge? If it fluctuates so much from your tap water, have you considered buying spring water in bulk? I just hope the mansion i gave the betta will be well worth it. This pH range is fine for the betta. A water filter is important, too, even though wild bettas live in murky puddles. I have a one gallon tank with a filter, single Betta with no live plants. I’ve owned pet skunk, chinchilla, 3 greets at once, each face cockatiel, rabbits who brought me a litter but male was mating while she was giving birth all died, ducks in bathtub, a chicken better than watch dog, a chicken watch dog, and honestly chicken and cat were buddies cat walked aside chicken pecking insects cat did same, I had 3 baby wild skunks come in doggie door I tried everything block them out they ate thru walls to come in, one lived under refrigerator 2 weeks, boy was I careful not upset it, one would throw back legs up and dance front paws 5-10 minutes, they always showed up 9pm, since I could find anyone to remove glands I caught them in pet carrier using dog food, that attracted a raccoon showed up next day at 5pm sat on table I had my trap well 2 days later brought 2 babies, I really wanted babies but way to big go there and finally a fox too. Hello! Mine is in between 120-180. You can partially change the water up to 25-30% at equal intervals after once or twice a week. Since Betta fish are inherently tropical, the most suitable water temperature is between 76 and 82°F. Benefits Destroys harmful bacteria Downside It can take up several time Can betta fish survive on bottled/spring water? The ammonia in the water produced by fish poop and urine can be toxic to your Betta fish, but the beneficial bacteria can turn it into fewer toxic nitrates and nitrites. Water was warm but within normal range. They’re inexpensive and will make sure there is 0ppm chlorine in the water. It’s important to keep pH in mind when establishing a new tank or changing out the water. Overfeeding your betta may lead to the fish not being able to swim to deeper depths of the tank as it becomes obese and bloated. Is it okay to use tap water that I’ve dechlorinated by boiling? Water conditioners detoxify the chlorine and chloramine and other harmful substances such as heavy metals found in tap water. How Long Do Betta Fish Live? Always remember that the unfiltered tank needs close monitoring, as the nitrogen cycle is difficult to maintain, and you often need to check the water quality of betta fish. I am reading things about a 4-6 week fishless cycle??? I kept the tub he came in. The water where betta fish live is critical and knowing what water betta fish need will ensure health and longevity. Also change 100% of the water ever 7-10 days. I would do a test on the purified drinking water to make sure the pH is suitable among other important parameters. Wondering if he’s bored, unwell, etc. To keep your betta fish happy and active, the water temperature should be 78-81 degrees Fahrenheit. Still, have questions about what kind of water to use for your betta fish? Add this an your water conditioner drops and then acclimate the betta into the water slowly (float in cup or bag) allowing him to adjust to the new water and temperature. For the most part, water will maintain a pH near 7, which is considered neutral. Stick around, you'll learn a lot. Hi – I just bought mineral rocks and betta mineral balls. The guppies be trying to bother the betta. Using Tap Water For Your Betta fish. This will make it safe for betta fish care. All comments are moderated before going live. The best type of water for betta fish is Betta-Specific water. All of that? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If you’re planning to use tap water, it has a pH of between 6.5 to 7.5. For betta fish to be healthy and not be stressed, they need water with a “neutral” pH of around 7.0. Furthermore, it recreates the salinity in their natural habitat and can prevent harmful nitrate intake. hi, can I add few drops of chlorine for my beta? He died last night. Water quality varies greatly depending on the source. Do you have your tank near a window? Bettas require water that is 76 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, scoop out 25 to 50 percent of the water in … Average Lifespans, https://www.ibcbettas.org/aquarium-salt-the-healthy-preventative-v-2-0/. I generally only recommend sponge filters and live plants for tanks 3-gallons or less to help with filtration because of the turbulence other filters can cause. What GH KH range does Betta require? Science accounts for a total of 73 species of the betta in the world, with several according to the IUCN Red List being endangered. If you want to encourage the building of a betta fish bubble nest, the other thing to do is to put floating debris in the fish … Since Betta tanks are less likely to include a filtration system it is paramount to use a conditioner designed for this species. I recommend upgrading the tank to the proper size. But, just like the air we breathe, the water betta fish live in needs to be just right. Is this water safe for them and it says uv purified water so would it contain the nutrients they need? Today his eyes look bulgy and he is swimming a little off and staying at the bottom more. Heck no, lake water has a bunch of bacteria maybe parasites – it might also have a different Ph, too many factors. Using this water is not required since you can treat tap water on your own. What if you don’t have the water the Betta needs? Betta pellets are a very popular variety of fish food that is readily available from all good fish stores. I wouldn’t use rain or snow because it may come in contact with things that could hurt your fish – on the ground or in an unclean container (bugs etc.) Add live plants to tank water. Some people have tank mates, some have filters – some don’t, some people have different size tanks, some have live plants. Tap water or spring water are the best kinds of water for your It can also be kept on hand in the same room as the tank, so the temperatures of the water in the bottle and the tank should be similar. Here’s how to keep your betta fish alive with the correct water parameters. Another water source that is commonly used is well water, although that too can contain some chemicals that can harm your fish. To keep nitrates at non-toxic levels you’ll need to properly cycle your tank. It’s a four gallon tank. Last night I left filter off to let him sleep better I thought. This bottled water has been pre-conditioned for betta fish. This water will not have chlorine in it, either, so it is safe to use in betta tanks as long as the pH levels fall in line with safe betta levels. If you wanted to further reduce it to keep away from the 180, you’d have to look at a tap water softener to reduce the hardness of your water. Most betta species are freshwater fish, but there are a few brackish water species, most notably Betta Mahachaiensis.The domesticated betta, commonly referred to as Betta Splendens (despite it being a hybrid fish), is a freshwater species, as are the other species it was hybridized with. You should maintain betta fish care water parameters and do your best to keep the parameters at these levels: nitrates <20 ppm, ammonia and nitrites 0, 5-20 DH water hardness, and pH at 6.6 – 7.5. His lack of nutrition? Keep water test strips available to easy testing. Testing w/API 5 in 1 test strips my 10 gallon Aqueon filterd/heated/heavily planted betta tank shows a GH at 180 & a KH at 0. These reduce stress which is very dangerous to a betta fish’s health. Get some test strips and consider purchasing spring water in bulk. No, chlorine is poisonous/harmful to betta fish. And, of course, they are very dangerous, having been trained in super-secret fishy fighting styles. You can visit the diseases page for more information. Food, excrement, and other debris can accumulate in the gravel, so regular cleaning is essential to keep the environment clean for your betta fish. The ideal water temperature for your betta fish should be between 74 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Be careful not to place the tank by a window that gets lots of sun, or a heat/air-conditioning vent, as this could alter the water temperature. I recommend you get a test strip kit to monitor your water parameters. That's right! Well water can contain chemicals used in pesticides and fertilizers or high quantities of heavy metals like copper or iron. This means that the betta fish thrives well in water that has a temperature between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Bettas prefer calm water with a pH between 6.8 and 7.5. To make sure your betta fish is in the highest quality water possible, perform a pH test on your tank’s water BEFORE adding him or her to the tank. NOW, their tanks are overrun by a brown algae and I could change the water every other day! LOL, Hi Bryan, I just got 2 betta fish and am using imagitarium fresh fish water from petco. … What do you think? Because filling it would use up a lot of water, we used some sink water. I asked the guy at the fish store if he had any little bottles of ammonia for sale. However, in other places, it could be a lot worse. He was so happy, and swam all over. This will leave you with nothing but pure … The water? Can You Use Well Water For Betta Fish? Last but not least, there are some specific types of water which are made for betta fish … Bryan, I use half of the water he was already in and half of the new water and let him float around for an hour or so while the tank full of tap water with like a drop and a half of conditioner come to room temp. While it’s not as common, some people are curious whether you can use well water for betta fish. Betta fish prefer a pH between 6.5 and 8 but can tolerate slightly more acidic water if the change is made gradually. how can I change water once a week without stressing my boys? Depending on where you live, tap water usually has added chemicals like chlorine. I have 2 small bettas in 1.5 tanks, one larger one in a 3 gallon and another small one ins 2 gallon. Four years old is an older betta fish and they will get less active as they get older, that’s perfectly normal. It is up to you if you want to use this additive for disease prevention. And for cleaning, never using soap, it can kill your betta and is hard to get all of it out of the tank. If you keep your betta in a bowl, you have to do partial water changes every 4-5 … What is the Ideal Water Temperature for Betta Fish? If it’s really persistent, you may have to take everything out and clean/scrub it in hydrogen peroxide solution to kill it off and then let everything fully dry before rinsing thoroughly and returning to the tank. I used to keep my Bettas in small unfiltered tanks, and they thrived…some living upwards of 3 years. I turned filter back on and water temp dropped quickly to middle normal range. Additionally, let the levels of nitrates remain at 0, or at least below 40ppm. The bettas you buy in pet stores are … also, how many rocks in each? Give your fish some tender loving care check the water and do you have a heater for your fish tank? What can I do? This is why water changes and cleanings are so important. There are betta-specific water conditioners and one’s for freshwater fish in general, either are fine to use. There are more advanced “smart” monitors that I do not currently have experience with, but a basic aquarium thermometer will also tell you the water temp. For example, a 2.5 gallon filtered tank involves cycling 20% once or twice a week with new, properly treated water and a full 100% water change as needed for deeper cleanings (i.e. Thanks!! Add the fresh water to a clean container, mix in a water conditioner, and let the water sit at room temperature for about an hour. I went back to work to put the fish in the tank, came back this morning (Monday) only to find this one dead as well. What can we do to avoid this to happen again? Yes, they are but if you fail to … It’s bad for the fish and I think the readings are just too low. … Your email address will not be published. How big will my betta get in a 10 gal tank? Due to tannins, the pH of the water is typically about 7. You can keep the water within health limits better. Betta Fish Rescue is a private charitable organization that was founded in July 2020. The water most readily available for most of us is the water that comes straight from a faucet. What products is best to remineralise or recondition my tap water. It’s also very easy to mix hot and cold water together to make it the perfect temperature for your betta’s habitat (test with a thermometer). Full water changes are also recommended on an as needed basis for deeper cleanings. oh couple baby squirrels, they must have cat milk even though they eat nuts, fruits at any age both mine died, vet advised me of this now can’t lucky get one since. This will ensure that you maintain healthy betta fish care water parameters and establish a healthy environment for your fish to thrive. My betta has cotton fins. I have a new Betta and I need to know water to use for him. to keep a Betta at my office. A new Solid Gold video on a Tuesday? It’s hard to give recommendations that are foolproof because everyone’s situation is different. How often should I clean out the water( I am planning to use spring water in bulk)? Betta fish water conditioner is formulated specifically for this species and issues that they are more prone to face. This beautiful creature lives in slow-moving waters like small streams, swamps, or sometimes even in paddy fields. Would I need to add minerals or just the conditioning drops? These tannins lessen the fish’s stress, boost their immune system, inhibit the growth of fungus or bacteria, and keep them healthy. Yeah the KH and GH should be pretty much identical. Hi Melissa, you can use a quick start product which adds beneficial bacteria into the water and reduces the time of needing a fishless cycle to basically instantaneous. As for your water questions, partial water changes (20-25% of total volume) are the best way to limit stress. The filter current is not strong and seems to be helping keep the water clean. One week( before Christmas), I left him to the care of my friend. You also need to change your tank filters on a monthly basis or when recommended by the manufacturer. Thank you! Is the intake area baffled or safe and won’t allow your betta to get caught or stuck in it? This article looks at the correct temperature, Ph and water hardness for your betta … I would do roughly 25% water changes/cyclings 1-2 times a week in the filtered tank. This is for my 10 year old, and I don’t want to just kill his first fish, but it seems complicated… Can I fill it with tap water and add betta water conditioner and be good to go? or even be very acidic. Also, is there an instrument of some sort that you all are using to see the levels of ammonia and stuff in the water? I’m finding conflicting information. If it’s brown algae, it may mean the tank isn’t getting enough light. Thank you, Diane. In a one-gallon tank, you may need to do a 100% change weekly along with several partial water changes throughout the week. Water parameters should be taken into consideration when establishing or renewing water in your betta’s tank. If anyone can add ideas of animals I haven’t had I’m open for rare exotic or domesticated. Like is there a thermometer type thing I can buy that tells me the water levels and chemicals and stuff? Caught skunks for someone, I stopped putting food out for fear what next mostly worried for coyote, I live in boonies loved it, no reptiles for me but would love have iguana. It does not make sense to use distilled water because of the required addition and measurement of nutrients and pH. Betta fish are among the most popular freshwater tropical fish out there, and it’s easy to see why. While betta fish will adapt to water that is slightly one way or the other, the ideal parameters are: pH 6.5-7.5, Ammonia 0ppm, Chlorine 0ppm, nitrites 0ppm, Nitrates less than 40ppm, GH (general hardness) and KH should be around 100-150ppm. Back to spring water for my betta. I did a little research back then and I clean out his tank after an hour for unwanted food thats still floating around. Betta fishes are used to small spaces and can be kept in a 5-gallon tank, provided the ideal temperature ranging between 76 and 82°F is maintained. Our tap water here in San Diego is terrible so I’ve changed to R/O. While distilled water has many uses, it should not be used in betta habitats without proper treatment to add nutrients and control pH levels. Moreover, their preferred living conditions are the slow-flowing waters like rice paddies and swamps. Do I need to look for the bacteria water additive I saw you mention in another comment? I was wondering if it was better and safe to boil my tap water to use for my tank after it cools? I have a four year old Betta who lived three years in a small unfiltered tank before I adopted him. API Test strips are great for checking these Betta fish care water parameters in a quick and easy way. Oxidation occurs the second it’s exposed to the open air. So while it may not have any … Was told to leave the tank open overnight and the chlorine would evaporate. You will likely only need to do full water changes once a month in a 5-gallon with a betta depending on a few factors like uneaten food, live plants, regular water changes and maintenance. I’m ready to invest in remineraliser but there’s just too many in the market don’t know what to get. After reading it directly from the IBC (https://www.ibcbettas.org/aquarium-salt-the-healthy-preventative-v-2-0/) I have used it pretty regularly in my tanks. I was planning to cycle it with a little ammonia. Can I just use sink water and add water conditioner? Distilled or purified water, is very different from regular tap water because it has been processed to remove all chemicals, minerals, and nutrients, leaving you with nothing but pure water. You can use a slow-moving filter or renew the water and maintain these levels. Special water for betta. It is due to tanning (darkening of the water) when grass, leaves, and other matter falls into the water and gives it a yellow or tea-stained appearance. Do you think that the betta will kill the guppies as he gets bigger. Betta fish like warm water and will do best at around 79 degrees. In fact it will unnecessarily stress the poor fish and may destroy the cycle. Is the filter hurting ? Water Temperature. Betta fish are naturally tropical fish and the water there is clean and still, which needs to be applied to the home aquarium. Please help. Should I add aquarium salt to the water? and plop in my fish; that the fish’s waste would do the rest. Luckily, there are plenty of high quality, and inexpensive water conditioners to remove chemicals from your tap water in seconds. Please let me know. Rainwater absorbs these from the ground/rocks/dirt/sand etc and it’s out of the recommended pH range with average rain water pH being around 5.0-5.5. pH levels. It all depends on the parameters? These chemicals are heavy metals, which seem to be prevalent in … I would like it at a more normal range. Betta fish are tropical fish that need to be kept in water ranging from 76 to 81 degrees F (24 to 27 degrees C). I have a 10 gal tank. You’ll need to trim the leaves at the base of the stem and discard them so that they don’t decompose … The good bacteria is there to get the ammonia right at the outset. Are you running an aquarium light at all or is the room and tank dark all day? There are some products which can help adjust hardness on the market, however, if yours is very hard you may look into using RO water as another option. (I have to confess it sounds like a good plan. You may also find that you have to switch to spring water completely. In regards to the goldfish, they do not grow bigger depending on the tank size. Is terrible so I ’ ve set up a filter just like the air we,... 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