How do I run-in my speakers? Some will say that you don’t need to break your subs in at all, some will say you need to break them in by playing pink noise at half volume for hours on end, and some will even say to do that at a higher volume than normal. Speaker cones definitely break in. New Celestions sound harsh at first and then warmer and fatter as the speaker gets broken in. Some speaker manufacturers will recommend a break-in period of around 10 hours. At the end of the day, you want to start hearing your new sound system as soon as possible, but without allowing impatience to nerf your audio quality for the long-term, and the good news is that you don’t really have to worry about that. But not so fast…. JavaScript is disabled. It’s often speculated that these very long recommended break-in times are simply to encourage the consumer to give their ears more time to adjust to their new speakers, rather than the speakers noticeably improving between hours 90 and 100, for instance. On the other hand, there are manufacturers who say that you don’t need to break in your subs at all. Many car makers say the same thing when you put new break pads on your car to go easy on them for the first 1000 miles. If you want to sit down and really feel the full extent of that “wow” moment when you start using your new audio system, you could absolutely break your speakers in first. The break-in period doesn’t really require anything special other than listening to music and over time your speakers will become more and more broken in. -
Just installed new Focal 6.5 K2P's in the lower doors of an 05 Subaru OB. Once you’ve purchased a brand new set of speakers, you’ll probably want to set them up and get to the good part - playing them. Thats the end result. A few Celestions I have used were very brittle and bright when new, but after an accelerated break in were far warmer and more pleasant. IME most speakers sound better when broken in, some more than others. IME most speakers sound better when broken in, some more than others. So this all said, I should retrace/factor steps taken in regards to set-up connections, power cords, etc as well.... interesting.... good info fellas, tks. Look at your equipment’s manual to see what your manufacturer recommends, but also remember not to worry too much about breaking in your subs because it’ll happen on its own. Bought a set of the meso 6.5 components just to check them out and immediately fell in love with them so I bought another pair. Required break in time for the common spider-diaphragm-surround is typically on the order of 10s of seconds and is a one-off proposition, not requiring repetition. Can you just break them in by using them? Repeated excursions frees-up the spider and coils’ ability to produce richer and fuller vibrations and hence fuller sounds. Keep the volume constant during this time and make sure the system is playing just loud enough for you to see the cone actually moving back and forth. The difference was very surprising. , How to break-in a subwoofer (and does it matter?). Rockford Fosgate – Car Audio for Fanatics (Read Only Archive) subwoofer break in period ... EDIT: the 'break-in' period is more of a manufacturer's way of making you burn up your warranty time so if it's a POS or they did a shitty job, they can blame the user and not the product. Sometimes proof is not enough. Jim Salk, owner of Salk Sound and long time speaker manufacturer I think would qualify as a bona fide expert. The answer is no. The good news is your speakers will absolutely sound better after the initial break in period. The only speakers I've noticed that changed in sound characteristics over a two or three week period during their "break-in" time were a pair of Digital … I purchased 4-10" DVC subs....Very happy with my decision to buy these. UBL | Build Log. It takes a lot of patience. The idea is the speaker drivers have been placed into the box and never been used and thus after they play for a while they will settle into their appropriate operating parameters. Such speakers would have a more significant “break-in” period then other speakers, which have a rubber surround, which does not break in. You must log in or register to reply here. The spider acts like a suspension, it’s what allows the cone to move back and forth to create sound. Once broken in, the driver should measure/perform as do its siblings, within usual unit-to-unit parameter tolerances. If there was a speaker that would benefit from a break-in period the most, it would be the sub. Whether you’ve upgraded your entire car audio system, or you have simply added a new subwoofer, chances are that you can’t wait to hop into your vehicle, go for a cruise, and experience your newfound sonic potential. How long does it usually take for a brand new speaker to break in? super clean bass and very powerful I had to buy it again because most 1200 amp dont even compare to this 1000 watt amp only bad thing that my old ct sound amp only lasted 3 years but I'm giving it another shot by the quality bass it has, These subs are sweet have them in a boxed tuned to 32hz and just 2 8s on 1000w amp move quite a bit of air and hit the lows 10x better than expected. Think I'm gonna be a happy man soon. Just like all thing mechanical, speakers have moving parts that move more freely with time and effort. Such powerful bass from a nicely priced woofer. It boils down to 1s and 0s. Yes. This is where things can get a bit confusing because there are numerous contradictory opinions about whether you need to break-in new subs (and speakers in general). This is a awesome amp and bass knob is getting harder to get ahold of glad you guys still can get em thanks so much absolutely love old school amps. These speakers impress me every time I get into my car and the radio comes one. The reciever will make the signal that goes to the speakers. Any comparison like that needs to be blinded and under identical conditions. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The most dramatic break in will take place in the first 100 to 150 hours. The processor is going to make a signal. Car Repair Topics Car Making Noises Car Stereo Repair Heating or AC Issues Motorcycles and ATVs Tricks of the Trade Truck Repair Advice Site ... Speaker Break-in Period? Subwoofer Break in Period || Fiction or Fact? So, in this concrete question, Celestion lies about their own products? Every component used in a speaker has tolerances, which can relate to small variances in initial performance. This has two real-world consequences. I'm dead serious. These things sound so good im now planning on buying the 3 way set for another vehicle i own and I know I won't be disappointed. If you tell someone they will hear a difference, a difference they will likely hear. We are programmed to be subjective, even in the face of objective reality. Unlike vocal cords, a subwoofer only needs to be broken-in once. A. Breaking in a subwoofer requires time and patience; the first period is crucial in realizing any change to the performance. I'd suspect position relative to the speaker, room, and ear fatigue influence the sound far more than breaking in. In extreme cases, you’ll see some brands recommending upwards of 100 hours for ultra-high-end speakers (usually on the home audio side of things as opposed to vehicle sound systems). At those freq's the sound is saturated and overbearing, and it's just a little For proper break in, we generally recommend around 40 to 50 hours of at least mid-level playback before doing any critical listening. The spider attaches the cone to the basket, which is like the frame or the body of the speaker. I'm not trying to insult anyone. This is primarily due to a piece of the speaker that’s called a spider. Some speaker manufacturers will recommend a break-in period of around 10 hours. This means that if you were to just hook up your speakers on the home speaker’s amplifier, you are likely to damage them. Your voice probably sounds different first thing in the morning as well, before your vocal cords have had a chance to warm up. * Comments must be approved before being displayed. With a subwoofer, that’s a lot less noticeable, since it’s only responsible for the lower frequencies. I put a set of Eminence Beta 12LTA speakers into a 2x12 recently, first band practice at volume they sounded "ok", two more practices and some jams later later they sound awesome (about 10-12 hrs usage at this point). Over time, your subwoofer and other drivers will break-in on their own. Speaker break-in is no myth and something significant really does happen. The Gear Page is the leading online community and marketplace for guitars, amps, pedals, effects and associated gear. So if we now do not hear the difference, it is because of suggestion that there is no difference? Anyway, Im off ghost hunting. However, be prepared for the fact that for the first several hours of use (the break in period), they won’t be quite to their maximum potential. The difference is that by listening to your normal music to break-in your speakers, rather than a dedicated track of pink noise, not all frequencies will be broken-in at the same pace., My goal was to find out whether or not a speaker needs to be broken in, what (if anything) happens as it breaks in, and if there are any do’s or don’ts for breaking in a new speaker. The perceptibility of those changes is debatable, but celestions can nevertheless put those changes to good use: they are breaking you in. The woofers in our Acme Low B Series II models have a break-in period. If there is any device in an audio system that would seem to require a break in it would be an electro mechanical device like a speaker. ? Even Electrostatic drivers take time to break in which surprised me when I replaced the panels in my Martin Logan CLS speakers a couple of years ago. Breaking in a subwoofer means you play the sub for a certain period of time before installing it in your car for the purpose of loosening the unit’s suspension and improving performance. So, your conclusion would be, there is either a difference or not a difference. The only "warm up" "break in" "burn in" (they all mean the same thing) period is about 5-10 seconds because of how electronics work. February 17, 2015. Military, First Responder, Student, & Teacher Discount, T-1000.1D // 1000 Watts RMS Monoblock Car Audio Amplifier, AT Series Stock Bass Knob with Digital Voltmeter (Pushable ON/OFF for Amp). Hello there, finally got my Focal Solo-6 BEs with a CMS Sub, the vovox cables are already there. If there is no spider, the elements of the speaker will move uncontrollably as sound waves are emitted. Of course, the breaking in of the subwoofer is a time taking procedure and you should have to be conscious about its time period. All speakers are built to meet certain specifications, and we work diligently through QC efforts during and after production to ensure that happens. This unlikely situation will not create a long-term solution. I'd recommend playing orchestral music to help break them in because of it's deep bass, high frequency content, and dynamics. Whether or not you take the time to break-in your sub is going to have a miniscule impact on its overall sound compared to much more important things like correctly matching the RMS wattage of your amp and having a properly designed and positioned subwoofer enclosure. . How long does it usually take for a brand new speaker to break in? Sign In I swapped out the factory front door speakers in my wife's Cavalier with a pair of $100 Pioneer 3-way TS-A4670Rs speakers. period you can't do that. I put a set of Eminence Beta 12LTA speakers into a 2x12 recently, first band practice at volume they sounded "ok", two more practices and some jams later later they sound awesome (about 10-12 hrs usage at this point). Most car speakers are normally rated 4 ohms while home speakers are rated 8 ohms. You don’t have to set aside ten or twenty-five hours at the very start. Since i havent unpacked them yet, maybe you could share your Experience with the focal-typical "break-in" period. You need to break in a subwoofer to loosen the spider. Wow. The surrounds on these woofers have a higher stiffness new-out-of-the-box than they do after some hours of use. While it is true that the suspension of a speaker will loosen up over time, there is no need to play a speaker at half power or low volumes for an extended period in order to aid or ease into this. The most basic way to run in your speakers is to set them up with your system and use them normally. He will tell you point blank there is no burn in or break in period for speakers. For example initially the speakers sounded harsh, but after The function of the spider is to hold the moving components of a speaker. That should be plenty of time to allow your subwoofer to get settled in, if you decide to do this at all. What Is Subwoofer Break In? I'm hearing what I think is resonance at a couple different freq's, mostly upper male vocals or alto horns. Audio & Video Forums In many speaker and amplifier reviews I have read, there is a mention of break-in period. You’ve likely heard about a break-in period for subwoofers and speakers, and if not, we’re going to introduce the concept, how to do it, and whether it’s even necessary. Subjective and susceptible to suggestion. That should be plenty of time to allow your subwoofer to get settled in, if you decide to do this at all. Probably experiencing getting familiar with the sound. In extreme cases, you’ll see some brands recommending upwards of 100 hours for ultra-high-end speakers (usually on the home audio side of things as opposed to vehicle sound systems). Many audio experts and speaker manufacturers say that loudspeakers benefit from a break-in process. Focal break-in period, myth? In my post above, however, I describe an experiment that a layperson can conduct with no instrumentation. Well, you know that it is a tough job to break in the subwoofer. Once this happens, the speaker will destroy itself as it continually transmits sound waves. This is a video regarding the concept of breaking in a new pair of speakers and what the benefits are of doing so. According to different manufacturers speakers don't either break in at all, or it takes anything from few seconds to several months, depending on which manufacturer you happen to ask. To get past the urban legends of speaker break-in and learn the truth, I spoke with Anthony Lucas of Eminence Speakers and Dave Noss of Avatar Speakers. A common question is if JL Audio speakers or subwoofers require a break in period. The reason for the break-in period is to mate the engine's friction surfaces to each other in the smoothest manner, so they seal or rotate against each other with minimal leakage or friction. It’s not necessary, however, to dedicate time to this break-in period, and it’s much less practical to do a dedicated break-in period with car audio than it is with home audio, where you can simply leave it playing in another room. Digital equipment is digital. Usually the speakers will be sufficiently run in after a total of 20-30 hours of normal use and they will often continue to develop and improve for the first hundred or so hours. If someone believes a speaker needs to be broken in, you can bet they will hear it. I wish that were true. Do you really want to spend your commute listening to pink noise? Speakers are made from moving parts, and when those parts are brand new, they can take some time to loosen up in order to respond fully to the electric current from the amplifier that drives them. Two components that particularly benefit from a … Now I'm also a car audio professional installer ( Master Installer )MECP certified ... as far as my current system that I have right now well i don't know about all these people saying they blew their back windows out and rattling billboards while driving , and shattering windows in stores while driving past them , honestly that's BS! I've done that many times over the past 30 years. For this reason, we advise our home theater customers to set aside a 10-hour speaker break-in period, sometimes called a “speaker burn-in” using bass-heavy modern music or any of the specialized burn-in signals that are readily available online. 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