", 26. power lunch - big business dealing while eating lunch Jeffrey Byrne had telephoned home in early evening, his usual practice when he was traveling on business trips. It's time for me to get back to business. Here are three examples of business process automation projects that demonstrate how it can improve your business’s efficiency. MAY Permission, if not prohibition, supposition with doubt Example Sentences; It may rain tomorrow. In business transactions Alex was frugal with his money, but when it came to his family, he was generous. CAN Ability, doubt, astonishment, permission, Polite request Example Sentences; I can play the football. He would leave the next day, after taking care of some business. She went about her business and was about to leave when the door opened and two beautiful, tall women entered. business community / examples. He's been working in China for many years and speaks Chinese fluently. How to use none of my business in a sentence. ", 33. step up to the plate - take responsibility Do you always begin your emails the same way? ", 32. shotgun approach - strike widely rather than focussing He cast down his eyes and hurried out as if it were none of his business, careful as he went not to inflict any accidental injury on the young lady. Was she the business he had to take care of? Pierre had gone to Petersburg on business of his own for three weeks as he said, but had remained there nearly seven weeks and was expected back every minute. I see these men every day go about their business with more or less courage and content, doing more even than they suspect, and perchance better employed than they could have consciously devised. A topic sentence has several functions in writing: it supports a thesis statement; it summarizes the content of a paragraph; and it gives the reader a glimpse of the subject to be tackled and how it would be discussed in the given paragraph.In most cases, readers look into the first few sentences of a paragraph to find out what it is about. "What's the standing of this Byrne business?" Millard Drexler. ". " You're all involved, I guess pretending all that other work business. To give you a broader overview of this construction, here are some examples you may refer to. Between that Westlake guy checking his stocks and his Internet auctions and now Joseph and his brother, I hardly get time to do my own business. Example: "You can talk until you are blue in the face, but I will never believe that Teacher Joe is the funniest English teacher in the world. I was tempted to comment, but refrained and kept my conversation all business. If the customer wins, we win too.". 46 sentence examples using Business. synonyms. You don't suppose she planned all that business with Fitzgerald just so she could run for sheriff herself? The Simon was the first device which could be properly referred to as a “smartphone”, even though the term was … To become a better athlete, you must learn a number of different skills. I'm trying to make this a profitable business. I've pretty much left you with all the responsibility for our business. "Build an airtight business case for new IT investments". examples. Next year I hope to start moving up in the company. Ophelia in Hamlet by William Shakespeare "Neither boy spoke." Example: "I think it's time to put all of our cards on the table. Example: "If we want the lion's share of the profit, we'll have to do the lion's share of the work. 40 Useful Business English Expressions in Business language {jcomments off}1. He believes he's hurting our marriage, threatened to move back to California and tank the whole business. Another alternative is the use of dash or colon. He did not like to combine frivolity with the serious business of hunting. ", 2. Nor when she paraded up the stairs and gave the business to Claire Quincy. Example: "Taking a shotgun approach is a big risk. Everything you needed was right here, shops and businesses of every description. Celebratory cigars and wine came out and all other business suffered from total indifference. ", 16. it will never fly - it won't be successful 28. put on the map - make well-known Example: … Her heart skipped a beat as a lean figure in a business suit entered the room. This fact impressed Alpatych, but in thinking about his own business he soon forgot it. Example Sentences; I can play the … They all had business with Pierre and wanted decisions from him. Example: "This new software has a long learning curve, so we have to give our staff enough time to learn how to use it well. synonyms. With planning and diligence, his business would be on its feet in a few years and she would be working in the pediatric ward at the hospital. Randy, Martha, Fitzgerald, the Dawkins business.... Then he added, "I should know, being as I'm in the business, so to speak.". As a general on duty on Kutuzov's staff, he applied himself to business with zeal and perseverance and surprised Kutuzov by his willingness and accuracy in work. She packed, repacked, pressed, made the butler's assistant and Petya--whom she had drawn into the business of packing--press on the lid, and made desperate efforts herself. Log in. I have thought that Walden Pond would be a good place for business, not solely on account of the railroad and the ice trade; it offers advantages which it may not be good policy to divulge; it is a good port and a good foundation. "She already said yes," Janet answered, gesturing toward Cynthia as if to say, the boss has spoken, mind your own business. Example: "I will meet with Teacher Joe's new company to show him what we can bring to the table. You're carrying this juror business too far! Legally, we had no business going in there in the first place. What the Giddons did on their own land was their business, yet it left her feeling uncomfortable. Three men, at three separate tables, evidently on the road for business, were all dining alone. If Lori and Alex had been intimate in the past, it was none of her business. 2. Seeing a specific word used in a sentence can provide more context and help you better understand proper usage. I'm sorry, but I'm not about to end this business with us screaming at each other! Example: "They've had some good products in the past, but nothing special. No telling what tales their ghosts could spin and what unfinished business they left behind. Never let this run over one page long. First, Byrne's strange day at the Whitney Motel and the date of his business in Scranton. Business Philosophy: Sustainable, Local and Organic is our motto. In its most basic idea, the opposite of a periodic sentence is a loose sentence. It was a line of business World Wide didn't sell. I'm sure Brennen was confused by my sharp response and background noise but once girls and dog had left we settled down to business. All Rights Reserved, Dynamic Purpose Statement Examples for Business and Nonprofits. Jeffrey Byrne spent very little time there—far too few hours to accomplish all of that business. "You speak to the colonel about this nasty business before other officers," continued the staff captain, "and Bogdanich" (the colonel was called Bogdanich) "shuts you up.". Apparently the horse knew the rider meant business, because it didn't act up again. They dripped streams of water as soon as the sun began its business, the remaining moisture forming dragon-teeth icicles as soon as the cold air touched the droplets. antonyms. They're beginning to take this business seriously, but what about this Rupert Youngblood character? In business transactions Alex was frugal with his money, but when it came to his family, he was generous. If you manage to get HSK 6, you have a high level and are able to do business with Chinese directly yourself. An oxymoron (usually referred to as oxymorons or oxymora in its plural form) is a type of figure of speech in which a set of contradictory terms are put together to create a rhetorical effect. Actually, she wasn't that interested in making a business out of it, but she felt the need to make some monetary contribution to their marriage. It was lunchtime, and the sidewalk was packed with people in business attire headed to the small bistros, cafes and other eateries lining the business district of downtown Atlanta. 27. push the envelope - move beyond current limits Example: "Teacher Joe is always pushing the envelope by giving us new activities such as dictations, jokes and interesting discussion topics." Do you remember any of the business names? business community in a sentence - 11 Lists. This post will walk you through examples of the right (and wrong) way to construct a parallel sentence. Games & Riddles; E-Cards; Take On. While not privy to the Council's business, he assessed the appearance of their father at a time when Rhyn was struggling for control did not bode well for any of them. In this article, we will review how to end a letter professionally with proper final sentences and closings. Cynthia wasted no more time before getting down to business. Just don't let her interfere with the business. Gabe realized she was coming to see him for pleasure, not business this time. You need to sign in to those awesome features. But with extra market research , personalization and identifying customer pain points along with proposing a customized solution based on your buyer’s needs they can become very persuasive, such as in this business proposal example: "The old men have met to talk over the business of the commune," replied the peasant, moving away. He said he wanted her to be independent and run her own business, but that wasn't what he actually wanted. Parkside's economy was less than spectacular, but at least it didn't require dependency on the fickle business of mines, steel or manufacturing for its fiscal survival. All that business seemed months, not just weeks, ago. I asked a few questions and was quickly told to mind my own business. "That's none of my business," growled the kitten. The simple menu is great for travelers and business people on the go. These examples should get your creative juices flowing as you begin to create your business model. Each man in the hunt knew his business, his place, what he had to do. your business through co-projects Interact with companies which whom to explore new potential projects Co-society brings together the smartest teams of the best companies, to combine their efforts in order to create new projects and sustainable wealth. Innovating will become table stakes just to stay in business, and innovation will be used to lower prices, not to increase them. He was worried by the impending necessity of interfering in the stupid business matters for which his mother had called him home. Example: "There will probably be a lot of down time at the conference, so I'm bringing a lot of paperwork. Image description. Dean stewed over the question as the business of Bird Song continued. Example: "He can help us set up a company in Beijing. All Rights Reserved. The entire business of the psychic tipster has faded rapidly without new news to feed the sharks. " It would be hotter in here if we didn't have an air conditioner. " The space business doesn't seem to work but she might have used a character for a period. He can kill himself if he's fool enough to want to but the boy has no business up there. I guess if he thought it was any of my business, he'd tell me. English Tenses – Examples Explanation Past Present Future Simple Past: Simple Present: Future I Simple: action that takes place once, never or several times: He played football every Tuesday. Katie looked to the fridge, where a small business card was stuck beneath a cartoon magnet. ", 38. tweak something - make a slight adjustment Weller added, "Maybe Lydia reported that business to Denver and that's why Fitzgerald got recalled.". It's a real jungle out there! It's not like I'm an amateur at this sleuthing business. You'll have to develop some skill in reading people if you want to make this a business. For HSK6 one must … Still, what business could survive without a person with final authority on decisions? "As to your business," Prince Andrew continued, addressing Boris, "we will talk of it later" (and he looked round at Rostov). Choose an idiom and click on it to go directly to the explanation and example. Admittedly, the identification elevated the entire business to a higher, more serious level of concern. business vocabulary exercise 1 (online) (unfair pay differences) business vocabulary exercise 2 (online) (stock exchange) business vocabulary exercise 3 (online) (job interviews) business vocabulary exercise - telephone (online) Business Conversations . Main Menu. Perhaps they'll be something to my liking down the coast along the beach before I get seriously involved in necessary business. Is this situation really preferable from a business standpoint? Alex said not to worry about it, but that hardly seemed like a good business attitude. This charity is an entirely non-profit, voluntary organization and is not affiliated with any government agency or business enterprise. "It's not my business!" It wasn't that it was none of her business. catastrophize v. present a situation as worse than it is Example sentences . Example: "We've done all that we can to prepare. (draw) a line in the sand - make final conditions that cannot be changed Having finished his second glass of punch, Napoleon went to rest before the serious business which, he considered, awaited him next day. ", 13. get your foot in the door - have a small opportunity that can become a big opportunity in the future, if you do good work Apparently his relationship with Lori was mostly business. Example: "We want to help you, but we need your help too. sentence examples. Example sentences . If you think "Western Medicine" is a business whose goal is to keep you sick to sell you medicines, you will tend to move away from genetically modified foods and favor organic. 7 sentence examples using Business Case. This table shows a partial list of common business models. B. bail a company out, ball park figure/estimate, bang for the buck, banker's hours, bean-counter, big gun/cheese/wheel/wig, bottom fall out/drop out, bottom line, bottom out, boys/men in the backroom, break even, budget squeeze/crunch, buy off, buy out, by a long … Julia is studying law and Rachel is majoring in business. Example: "If there is a price war, we won't win because we don't have deep enough pockets. Then she added, If it was any of your business. The pay per click (PPC) business is a way to advertise online to people who did a specific search in a search engine like Google or who are viewing content on a certain topic. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " I like that sweater; however, it only comes in one color. " As this business was to be entered into without the usual capital, it may not be easy to conjecture where those means, that will still be indispensable to every such undertaking, were to be obtained. he finally growled. When it was over, he pulled a business card from his pocket that listed the location of his hotel. For business writing, the topic sentence is important in delivering a message quickly. But if we stay at home and mind our business, who will want railroads? ", 7. carve out a niche - find a special market that you can control He acted very irrationally about the entire business. When asked why he now went public with his so-called gift, he replied he was establishing a business to locate missing children. All that ruler business was just nonsense, but we are friends forever. But by using these oxymorons in its proper context, it will help provide a better clue of how and why they are used in literature and everyday speech. "With our business, how can we get away?" Sir William Keith (1680-1749), governor of the province, urged him to start in business for himself, and when Franklin had unsuccessfully appealed to his father for the means to do so, Keith promised to furnish him with what he needed for the equipment of a new printing office and sent him to England to buy the materials. The way you end a business letter gives you an opportunity to leave a good impression with the recipient. In writing a business email, you must always check your tone in writing and maintain professionalism. 36. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Lists. What's the problem with this jury business? " My parents would help us move if they lived closer. " Can I go out tonight? If you need to brush up on these parts of speech, read up on Understanding Subjects, Predicates, and Objects. - the biggest, most powerful group or company, ncluding from the 800 pound gorilla, Microsoft. Example: "We have to unwind this deal, then we can start over again. All this business with her got me thinking about them years— courts and jail and stuff like that. Some examples of qualifying terminations include the job loss due to downsizing, being laid-off due to lack of available work, or the company going out of business. ", 36. the name of the game is... - the basic purpose From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English If this is not available, they travel business class. examples "Build an airtight business case for new IT investments" "Writes the business case for the board level contacts" "Build a business case for your company" "Here is the business case for … ", 3. an old hand - a person who has long experience, especially in one place Unless she stood up to him, she would never learn to run the business. No argument here but no dice on our dumping the whole business in their laps. Example: "The name of the game is service. However, these opposite words don’t always have to appear side by side. The money was what she had set aside for the business and the fenced area would become another route for tours. business case / examples. Example: "Do you think a new company can survise without a unique product? Then, as soon as it was quite a while, she'd start the whole business over again! ", 14. Sorry. Business as usual, I see, with Julie as my replacement. They're giving you guys the business for not finding the twins. Greeting 4. Sam, Felipa and I have been running the safari business. And get away from the pressure of the hotel business. Now, what if you were told that there is a common noun in the two sentences, Albert and classmate. buzzkill n. person or thing that has a depressing effect Example sentences . Everyone will be on Facebook, as will be every business, every idea, every brand, and all the people who were once members but have since passed away. "Lydia, I don't like this sneaking around business," Dean said. If Alex wanted her to know the financial details, he would have told her, and it wasn't any of Katie's business. Example Sentences for "business" She hopes to study Business Administration so she can take over her father's company when he retires. While you guys straighten the business end, I'll just leave this junk here. "It's just a Coke," Fitzgerald lied, adding, "if it's any of your business.". Low-cost business websites hosted around the world. The problem was; he didn't take the business seriously. ", - something that helps all people or all groups, - a person who has long experience, especially in one place, - find a special market that you can control, - when equipment of facilities are not available, so you cannot work, - make final conditions that cannot be changed, - have a small opportunity that can become a big opportunity in the future, if you do good work, - an informal way to say it is needed immediately, - both people or both groups can contribute or benefit from the situation, - it's a difficult market with many, tough competitors, - trying very hard (like a dog doing tricks! Quinn thinks I should mind my own business. definitions. He was so calm and methodical during the whole business it made it that much worse. Even if you don't accept this, try to accept that war is financially disadvantageous to 99 percent of the business owners in the country and that this is new and meaningful. service is one of the cheapest you can find, we have been in the business long enough to How To Start An Essay Sentence Exampleslearn how to maintain a balance between quality, wages, and profit. Not that it's any of your business, but he slept in the barn and I slept in my room. Shucks. Still, this was supposed to be a business, not a hobby. And what if you were told, you can merge this two sentences into one sentence. he exclaimed, and strode on quickly down one of the passages. The whole troubling business snarled up his mind through the otherwise pleasant afternoon. To give you a broader overview of this construction, here are some examples you may refer to. Communication; Grammar; Business-Info; Chill Out. Take my word for it, there was no business reason for Jeff to be having lunch with Cece Baldwin—just monkey business. They are asking to attack and making plans of all kinds, but as soon as one gets to business nothing is ready, and the enemy, forewarned, takes measures accordingly. We'd go twenty, thirty miles away to do our business, moving to different towns. He was to return after some early morning business, the next day, Tuesday—same day, I guess—he died after midnight, Tuesday. What business was it of mine when I married and was so deep in debt that I was threatened with prison, and had a mother who could not see or understand it? Why all this business with the bones now, after all these years? “In order to succeed in class, high school students need to utilize the resources available to them throughout their academic careers.”Because the thesis statement is stated clearly for us to grasp, we know that the essay will be about the different resources that high school students need to utilize to obtain success in their academic journey. If it was someone he knew, then that opens up another list—his wife, a business enemy, an old grudge, or he could have been scooped. "They see it. More 'do good' business by the reverend's wife, all the way back to 1896. They'd never trusted one another enough to share, and their father made things worse by compartmentalizing the Council's business and pitting the sons against one another long before he was killed. And I will knock the nonsense out of anybody"-- but probably realizing that he was shouting at Bezukhov who so far was not guilty of anything, he added, taking Pierre's hand in a friendly manner, "We are on the eve of a public disaster and I haven't time to be polite to everybody who has business with me. examples "You can't run a business without taking risks" Millard Drexler "Can't run a business where your customers get eaten" "I run a business here. That's not any of our business, unless they trespass where they're not supposed to. The whole business with Annie Quincy leads up to a similar suicide. chillax v. calm down … You should let him take a decent nap in our room and drop this silly business. "Writes the business case for the board level contacts". Calendar 2020; Teach In. Example: "He's a tough boss. I'm working … "Haste in every business brings failures". Because business rules depend on the manner in which an organization perceives and uses its data, it is quite possible that a particular rule can be used by several organizations, but for completely different reasons. That's a start, Brennan said, getting back to business. The business of Martha's bones took a back seat to her present whereabouts and the touchy problem of Mr. Fitzgerald. Muddles, grief for Mamma... business difficulties... muddles, terrible muddles! This whole business is getting curiouser and curiouser. In this business it don't pay to have a good memory, even if I did have one. (You can read about the full business proposal templatein this article.) The street's a mess until they get to the bottom of this business. An effective letter in business uses short, simple sentences and straightforward vocabulary. examples "The business community" "The corruption in the business community is bone-chilling" "The business community applauded the action" "The business … Now it's time to step up to the plate and do it! Ability, doubt, astonishment, permission, Polite request. He claimed that he had left Ouray "for business reasons" and had no idea Edith was pregnant. He examined the bailiff's accounts of the village in Ryazan which belonged to his wife's nephew, wrote two business letters, and walked over to the granaries, cattle yards and stables before dinner. Electronic transfers mean the money of a government, business, or individual might be anywhere at any time. chillax v. calm down … 235 171 She'd need that time to settle her business and pack her things. Now I'm just kicking myself for not figuring out the whole business earlier. ", 6. bring to the table - whatever you can possibly offer I really must go home... business... said Pierre hurriedly. May I go to the bathroom? I told Fitzgerald to quit all this hero business so you don't have to worry about having to back up some cartoon story. They were very kind; but I could not help feeling that they spoke more from a business than a humanitarian point of view. If we can identify one good target, we can develop a more precise marketing plan. Examples of business-oriented However, what counts as knightly is interpreted through the individualist, small business-oriented professional ethos of dentistry. "No sense of humor," Dean smiled to himself as he dialed Cynthia Byrne's number and congratulated his luck at being in Norfolk and missing the Wasserman business. Example Sentences for "business" She hopes to study Business Administration so she can take over her father's company when he retires. "Can't run a business where your customers get eaten". 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